
Monday, 16 May 2011

Projection Mapping

Projection Mapping is a somewhat recent trend in the world of design and advertising. Literally shouting EPIC from rooftops. It offers the efficiency of televised advertising, with the reach of outdoor advertising. Still young in use, i think what i like most about it is that for the amount of effort involved to do it well. It's always done WELL.

No CAR insurance or pay day loans to be seen here, just pure awesomeness. Thats done in some really surprisingly artistic ways. You don't even know that you're being sold something so caught up in display that you are. Below i've chosen two recent ones that i've found online.

This first one is an advertisement for the Hyundai Accent. Done incredibly well.

This second one, is a campaign run by Coca-Cola to celebrate their 125th anniversary.

1 comment:

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